Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Attention Parents! Pick a School at a Community Fair!

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to actually find a school for your child that meets their needs?

Imagine being able to actually shop around...browse through pamphlets and meet the staff.

Well, it's happening in Indianapolis:

"Parents went shopping Monday at Circle Centre mall, but they weren't looking for clothes, shoes or toys.

Their mission was much more fundamental: They were browsing the schools at a Charter School Community Fair at the Indianapolis Artsgarden.

Dozens of parents picked up literature and interviewed staff from the 17 alternative public schools in the city, searching for the best matches for their children for the 2009-10 school year.

Sponsored by Mayor Greg Ballard, the first-of-its-kind fair allowed parents to supplement their research on the schools with one-stop shopping convenience.

And parents were being methodical and particular about making a decision so critical to their children's futures."

Read on here...

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